Hey guys! Welcome back to the blog! It has been a while, but I'm happy to be back on the blog! I love this time of the year because of the warmer weather, more sun, the beautiful flowers out and blooming, and all the good vibes! But I also feel like summertime is a time to lean more into that feel-good energy and do what makes us feel good daily and happier. And I would characterize those ideas as self-care!! So, for this week's post, I want to share 6 of my self-care ideas that you can practice this summer daily to help you feel like your best self and give yourself more TLC!
1) Create and follow an unwinding, relaxing routine for yourself. I can't even tell you how much it helps me to have time to unwind at the end of the day. Taking time to separate ourselves from all the stress and responsibilities of the day helps us find peace internally. For me, my unwinding routine looks like finding time to close the computer (and I like to close out all my tabs to let my brain know that it's time to pause from doing work for the day). I then want to take a warm, relaxing shower to help wash away the day and to help relax my muscles. I then like to do my skincare and watch a comfort show or some YouTube before calling it a night. And trust me, an unwinding routine doesn't need to be long. It can be as simple as putting away your work for the day, having a comfort meal, and watching a show. I want you to find ways to help yourself relax and feel calm in the evenings, and trust me when you start making this a routine, it'll help you feel so good daily.
2) Get outside more and soak up more sun. I know that the weather is uncontrollable and we don't always get sunny days, but try to make the most of them when they're here. Sunshine and the outdoors have a way of making us feel happier. So when it's sunny out, find a few moments to get outside and take a moment. It could be during a lunch break, in the evening, or even early in the morning; just taking some time to be outside is genuinely the best self-care. And if you have more free time one day, you could even go for a nice walk and listen to your favorite music (that's one of my favorite ways to take care of myself)!
3) Find passions and do things just for fun on the daily. One of my favorite ways to care for myself and my mental health each day is by doing things I'm passionate about or just doing fun stuff. For example, I love writing blog posts and listening to Taylor Swift, making myself a nice cup of coffee, reading a blog post, or just playing with my dog. It's so important to carve time out in our days for things that bring a smile to our faces, fun things, and make us feel a little brighter daily. I'm super creative and love creating things that calm my mind and help me feel happier daily. When we practice our passions and do fun things for ourselves, we're in a better mood and feel better about ourselves! So, I encourage you to discover a new passion, to go after a current one, and to do more of what feels fun for you.
4) Carve some time out for enjoyable movement that enhances your feelings. Movement can transcend our feelings and bring more good energy into our lives. When I'm feeling a little tight or physically tired, some low-impact pilates-style movement helps me feel more stretched out, and it helps boost the endorphins in my body. Regarding movement, it's important to find what helps you feel good, not necessarily what others tell you is good for you. It took me a long time to find a movement that I enjoyed, but low-impact pilates movement is enjoyable and challenging, and most of all, it helps me feel good physically and mentally. Movement can be as simple as walking outside or running on the treadmill if that feels good for YOU. It's really important to listen to your body. But trust me; any movement is a great form of self-care to enhance our feelings!
5) Get dressed daily because looking good is feeling good. It's incredible how choosing an outfit and getting dressed can impact our mood and confidence. While the temptation to stay in comfortable loungewear is strong, putting together an outfit that truly resonates with our personal style can work wonders for our self-esteem. By consciously dressing up each day, we are essentially setting the tone for a positive mindset and a productive day ahead. Even something as basic as a t-shirt, jeans, and gold hoops can elevate our mood and make us feel more put together. The key is embracing the power of clothing as a form of self-expression and self-care, allowing us to step into each day with more confidence. So, let's try to make it a habit to prioritize getting dressed daily for ourselves.
