Hi all! Welcome back to the blog! If you're new here, I'm Esha and I founded my blog to inspire others to practice taking care of themselves and their mental health. I can't believe that it's already February, and spring is right around the corner! If you've been in the winter blues lately, I totally get you. But, on a bright note, the sun is coming out more often! For this week's post, I'm sharing a couple of life lessons from my personal experience to cultivate a more positive and happy lifestyle!
See change as a good thing
This might be very obvious, but life is constantly changing. Every single second. Change is part of everyone's life but it's indeed a good thing. If you find yourself in a place that doesn't serve you high vibrational energy, then you know that's a good time for a change. Embracing change is part of prioritizing your happiness and well-being, and it can take time to really adapt to it. But, it breaks the monotony that you might experience every day, and it opens up so many more opportunities!
Surround yourself with people who uplift you
The people with who we surround ourselves have a huge impact on our emotional and mental health. Other people's energy can spread to us and that can either brings us down or make us feel better. So, I encourage you to truly surround yourself with people who uplift you and make you feel confident and happy. There are going to be so many people in our lives that will say things behind our backs or who will just have negative commentary, but know that it doesn't mean anything because you love yourself as you are and you will choose to not be around them :)
Focus on pleasing yourself
I can say from my knowledge that so many people live their lives trying to please others. But, it's not doing you any good if you're constantly living up to others' expectations. It's so important to set goals for ourselves to fulfill our needs and happiness each and every day.
Maintain balance in your day
Now, I know that you're probably like, Esha, I've heard the word "balance" so many times, but what does it even mean? Balance is hard to interpret. My take on living a more balanced life means not overworking yourself all the time. We are humans and we're not designed to sit at a desk for 24 hours a day. So, make time to just take care of yourself, and I even encourage you to integrate self-care as a part of your work each day. Make the time for you to experience the other beautiful aspects of life, because when you realize it, there are so many! Whether it's the walk outside with nature, laughing with a friend, or staying in and watching a movie, there is so much that can fill our cup with the energy that we absolutely need to feel our best on the daily.
Know that it's okay to say "no" to things
We can only do so much each day. And it's important to prioritize what makes us feel good over what doesn't. We know ourselves better than anyone else. So, if you feel that you have too many opportunities arising in a day, it is 100% percent okay to say "no" to some of them and to put your mental health first. It's not cool to feel overwhelmed, so intuitively make the decision to say "no" to things that will not serve you or make you feel happy.
I hope that you will incorporate some of these tips into your day-to-day to build a more positive lead life. On the note of positivity, make this week a positive one because your mindset can control it. Filter out the bad and let the good energy push you forward! My mantra lately has been, that there will also be good in your life to help you through difficult situations. There will always be more good in your life as opposed to negativity and hardships, even if it's hard to find. So, appreciate the good!
