For today's post, I'm going to be sharing about the nighttime routine that helps me relax and unwind to get a good night's sleep.
Usually, my nighttime routine will start when I feel that I'm done with my work for the day, and my body is telling me that I'm tired and need to get ready to sleep.
The first thing that I will do on a general school night is first just tidy up my desk, close my computer, and pack my bag for the next day so I'll feel calmer and at ease in the morning.
After, I'll get ready to take a shower, get out the self-care products that I need, and pick out some comfortable nightclothes to help me sleep better. I'm telling you, being comfortable really helps you sleep tight. Taking a hot shower before sleeping relaxes my muscles and is extremely therapeutic.
After a shower, I'll do my skincare. I have been using Curology which I’m so grateful for because it has really helped treat my cystic acne when my anxiety was pretty high. Sometimes when I get the time, I will do an at-home facial, including steaming my face which is really great for your skin's health, then doing a pore strip to extract all the dirt on my nose, then steaming again for my skincare products after to better be absorbed by my skin. Usually, I'll use a rose quartz roller which feels so good and it helps depuff my tired skin after a long day. Rose quartz brings about the beautiful, calming energy and I actually have a rose quartz crystal on my bedside table to really set that same energy around the room.
Once my skincare is finished, I'll move on to applying lotion to keep my body skin hydrated and healthy. It’s the small self-care that makes me feel good! Nourishment for the mind and body comes from the inside and the outside.
The next thing I'll do is brush my teeth and apply an overnight lip mask, which is linked on my "shop" page for hydration, and is especially important as the colder weather starts to approach.
After, I'll prepare my bed and generally do something that makes me feel calm and relaxed, such as watching a calming show or doing some reading that I really enjoy. Right now, my favorite downtime show has been Good Witch and I’ve been really loving this feel-good book, A Little bit of Chakras.
And, that's it! Light's out. This night routine really helps me unwind and feel less stressed before bed, after a long day. Throughout my anxiety journey this past year, doing this night routine was extremely beneficial for me to help my mind and body be less crowded with worrisome thoughts. I always look forward to this bedtime routine because I know that I can designate time to just relax and take a pause from schoolwork, for my mental and physical wellness.
I hope you establish a nighttime routine that allows you to do the same because self-care is so important to be your best self and live your best life.
Take care of yourself,
