Hi! I'm so happy to have you back on the blog! How have you been? So, I have to be honest with all of you. Spring is seriously one of my favorite times of the year! The season brings me so much happiness from the flowers blooming, to more sunlight, to warmer weather, to wearing more bright clothes! I also feel that this time of the year brings about much more positivity and good energy. The winter can sometimes be really challenging, and I think we could all use a new season of warmth and light! To welcome a new season, I love putting together a bucket list (self-care related, of course) to fill the season with more joy and peaceful energy! I find that the most joy and happiness comes from when we find small moments for ourselves, so see below for some ideas to enjoy this season:
My Self-Care Spring Bucket List 🌸🌷🌼
1) Spend more time outside and in the sun. Spending time in the sun is one of the best ways to boost our serotonin and make us feel happier! Find some moments to get outside and soak up some vitamin D!
2) Wear your favorite bright-colored outfit. Something that always makes me feel better is wearing some colorful clothing. Seriously, a little bit of color impacts our mood the most, so remember to throw on your favorite colored outfit this spring!
3) Have your favorite iced beverage. I'm all about treating yourself and one of my favorite ways to do so is by enjoying my favorite iced drink during this time of the year. I definitely recommend iced teas, a gold old iced coffee, or a delicious pink drink from Starbucks!
4) Unplug more from social media. Self-care is spending time away from your phone rather than spending more time in the present. Trust me, I love being on my phone too but sometimes just putting the phone away and being present with what you're doing helps us feel so good!
5) Do some spring cleaning and organizing. One of the best things for my mental health is doing some organizing. Keeping my physical space tidy helps my mind feel more peaceful and less cluttered, and this season is all about calmness and peace. So, find some moments to organize your space or even something little like a drawer!
6) Make more time for relaxing. We can often find ourselves so incredibly busy with everything that we need to do but let this season be a reminder to take it slow and to make more time for relaxation and doing what helps you feel calm.
7) Listen to more of your favorite music. Music is something that always brings me so much happiness and good vibes. So throw together a feel-good playlist and let it be your go-to this season!
8) Go on more social outings. Let's be honest, socializing during the winter can be tough due to the cold days, feeling less motivated, and just not wanting to go anywhere. But let this spring season be a season of more socializing and spending time with people who make you feel happy!
9) Get yourself flowers. Flowers always brighten my mood and I believe that an act of self-love can be just buying ourselves flowers to bring ourselves some happiness and joy! Flowers can really bring about more good vibes in our space, and they're the perfect way to enhance this beautiful season!
10) Do something creative. I feel that being creative and using my creativity helps me feel good about myself and it just makes me happy! This spring, I encourage you to be creative and use your creativity! Maybe it's drawing something, working on a project, creating something digitally, etc. Let your creative juices flow more this spring!
Let's start this season with more love, positivity, and happiness, and remember to keep taking care of yourself and your mental health. While all of the items on my bucket list are great for all of spring, they really are great ways to boost your mood if you're ever feeling down. This week's reminder is to take it slow and to really cherish the present moment. <3
